
Found 420 results
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 23: Assessment of nitrogen flows, impacts and solutions in North America.
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 24: Key actions for better nitrogen management .
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 25: Addressing the barriers to better nitrogen management.
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 27: Costs and benefits of nitrogen at global and regional scales.
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 28: Goals and Pathways: How to Halve Nitrogen Waste by 2030?
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 29: Evaluation of policy options and instruments for better nitrogen management.
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 3: Nitrogen and food security.
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 30: Nitrogen and communication.
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 4: Nitrogen in current national and international policies.
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 5: Towards a holistic response to the global nitrogen challenge.
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 6: Approaches and challenges to assess nitrogen impacts.
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 7: Performance indicators for the global nitrogen cycle.
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 8: Approaches and challenges to assess nitrogen pressures and distribution.
[Anonymous].  2023.  Chapter 9: Approaches and challenges to value nitrogen benefits and threats.
Pawar PV, Ghude SD, Govardhan G, Acharja P, Kulkarni R, Kumar R, Sinha B, Sinha V, Jena C, Gunwani P et al..  2023.  Chloride (HCl ∕ Cl−) dominates inorganic aerosol formation from ammonia in the Indo-Gangetic Plain during winter: modeling and comparison with observations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 23(1)
Chatterjee D, Adak T, Nayak BKumar, Paul R, Pradhan A, Sutton MA, Drewer J, Das SRanjan, Nayak AKumar, Pathak H.  2023.  Co-applied Nitrogen and Auxin via Nano-clay-Polymer Composites Enhances Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 23
Gu B, Zhang X, Lam SKee, Yu Y, van Grinsven HJM, Zhang S, Wang X, Bodirsky BLeon, Wang S, Duan J et al..  2023.  Cost-effective mitigation of nitrogen pollution from global croplands. Nature. 613
Gawdiya S, Kumar D, Shivay YS, Bhatia A, Mehrotra S, Chandra MSharath, Kumawat A, Kumar R, Price AH, Raghuram N et al..  2023.  Field-Based Evaluation of Rice Genotypes for Enhanced Growth, Yield Attributes, Yield and Grain Yield Efficiency Index in Irrigated Lowlands of the Indo-Gangetic Plains. Sustainability. 15(11)
[Anonymous].  2023.  Go ‘demitarian’ to tackle climate change, UN report urges.
Halpin D.  2023.  Halve meat and dairy in diet to reduce nitrogen pollution, says UN.
Garnier J, Billen G, Aguilera E, Lassaletta L, Einarsson R, Serra J, Cameira Mdo Rosári, Marques-dos-Santos C, Sanz-Cobena A.  2023.  How much can changes in the agro-food system reduce agricultural nitrogen losses to the environment? Example of a temperate-Mediterranean gradient Journal of Environmental Management. 337(117732)
Manakos I, Katsikis E, Medinets S, Gazyetov Y, Alagialoglou L, Medinets V.  2023.  Identification of Emergent and Floating Aquatic Vegetation Using an Unsupervised Thresholding Approach: A Case Study of the Dniester Delta in Ukraine. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management GISTAM.
Bhatia A, Cowan NJ, Drewer J, Tomer R, Kumar V, Sharma S, Paul A, Jain N, Kumar S, Jha G et al..  2023.  The impact of different fertiliser management options and cultivars on nitrogen use efficiency and yield for rice cropping in the Indo-Gangetic Plain: Two seasons of methane, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 355
[Anonymous].  2023.  Introduction: From pollution problems to the nitrogen opportunity.
Delves J, Lewis JEJ, Ali N, Asad SA, Chatterjee S, Crittenden PD, Jones M, Kiran A, Pandey BPrasad, Reay D et al..  2023.  Lichens as spatially transferable bioindicators for monitoring nitrogen pollution. Environmental Pollution. 328
