
Found 420 results
Rahman M.Mizanur, Biswas JChandra, Sutton M, Drewer J, Adhya TKumar.  2022.  Assessment of Reactive Nitrogen Flows in Bangladesh’s Agriculture Sector. Sustainability. 14(1)
Fowler D., Sutton M.A..  2022.  Chief Medical Officer's annual report 2022: air pollution - 4.6 Agriculture. Chief Medical Officer's annual report 2022: air pollution.
Umar W, Czinkota I, Gulyás M, Aziz T, Hameed MKhalid.  2022.  Development and characterization of slow release N and Zn fertilizer by coating urea with Zn fortified nano-bentonite and ZnO NPs using various binders. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 26
Hameed MKhalid, Umar W, Razzaq A, Aziz T, Maqsood MAamer, Wei S, Niu Q, Huang D, Chang L.  2022.  Differential Metabolic Responses of Lettuce Grown in Soil, Substrate and Hydroponic Cultivation Systems under NH4+/NO3− Application. Metabolites. 12(5)
Raghuram N, Aziz T, Kant S, Zhou J, Schmidt S.  2022.  Editorial: Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Sustainable Nitrogen Management in Crop Plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13
Rahman MMizanur, Kamal MZia Uddin, Ranamukhaarachchi S, Alam MSaiful, Alam MKhairul, Khan MArifur Rah, Islam MMoshiul, Alam MAshraful, Jiban SIslam, Mamun MAbdullah A et al..  2022.  Effects of Organic Amendments on Soil Aggregate Stability, Carbon Sequestration, and Energy Use Efficiency in Wetland Paddy Cultivation. Sustainability. 14(8)
van Grinsven HJM, Ebanyat P, Glendining M, Gu B, Hijbeek R, Lam SKee, Lassaletta L, Mueller ND, Pacheco FS, Quemada M et al..  2022.  Establishing long-term nitrogen response of global cereals to assess sustainable fertilizer rates. Nature Food. 3
Ellis CJ, Steadman CE, Vieno M, Chatterjee S, Jones MR, Negi S, Pandey BPrasad, Rai H, Tshering D, Weerakoon G et al..  2022.  Estimating nitrogen risk to Himalayan forests using thresholds for lichen bioindicators. Biological Conservation. 265
Schulte-Uebbing LF, Ros GH, de Vries W.  2022.  Experimental evidence shows minor contribution of nitrogen deposition to global forest carbon sequestration. Global Change Biology. 28(3)
Olff H, Aerts R, Bobbink R, J. Cornelissen HC, Erisman JWillem, Galloway JN, Stevens CJ, Sutton MA, De Vries FT, Wamelink G.WWieger et al..  2022.  Explanations for nitrogen decline. Science. 376(6598)
Winiwarter W, Amon B, Bodirsky BLeon, Friege H, Geupel M, Lassaletta L, Raghuram N.  2022.  Focus on reactive nitrogen and the UN sustainable development goals. Environmental Research Letters. 17(5)
Schulte-Uebbing L, Beusen A, Bouwman A, de Vries W.  2022.  From planetary to regional boundaries for agricultural nitrogen pollution. Nature. 610
You L, Ros GH, Chen Y, Yang X, Cui Z, Liu X, Jiang R, Zhang F, de Vries W.  2022.  Global meta-analysis of terrestrial nitrous oxide emissions and associated functional genes under nitrogen addition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 165
Preger A.  2022.  Globale Überdosis.
Leip A, Caldeira C, Corrado S, Hutchings NJ, Lesschen JPeter, Schaap M, de Vries W, Westhoek H, van Grinsven HJM.  2022.  Halving nitrogen waste in the European Union food systems requires both dietary shifts and farm level actions. Global Food Security. 35(100648)
Cunha-Zeri G, Guidolini JFerreira, Branco EAlbiach, Ometto J.  2022.  How sustainable is the nitrogen management in Brazil? A sustainability assessment using the Entropy Weight Method Journal of Environmental Management. 316
Saqib M, Khaliq A, Tanveer A, Aziz T.  2022.  Impact of different nitrogen management options and weed competition periods on weed dynamics, productivity, and profitability of bread wheat. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 865
Twigg MM, Berkhout AJC, Cowan N, Crunaire S, Dammers E, Ebert V, Gaudion V, Haaima M, Häni C, John L et al..  2022.  Intercomparison of in situ measurements of ambient NH3: instrument performance and application under field conditions. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 15(22)
