
Found 420 results
Dand SBansalWars, Raghuram N, Adhya TKumar, Rahman MMizanur, Tshering D, Dahal KRaj, Wakeel A, Aminath S, Saf Z, Nissanka S et al..  2022.  Long-term trends of direct nitrous oxide emission from fuel combustion in South Asia. Environmental Research Letters. 17(4)
Gameiro S, Nascimento V, Facco D, Sfredo G, Ometto J.  2022.  Multitemporal Spatial Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in the Lower Jaguaribe Hydrographic Sub-Basin, Ceará, Northeast Brazil. Land. 11(1)
Sutton MA, Howard CM, Mason KE, Brownlie W, Cordovil C.  2022.  Nitrogen Opportunities for Agriculture, Food & Environment: UNECE Guidance Document on Integrated Sustainable Nitrogen Management.
Ntinyari W, Gweyi-Onyango J, Giweta M, Mochoge B, Mutegi J, Nziguheba G, Masso C.  2022.  Nitrogen use efficiency trends for sustainable crop productivity in Lake Victoria basin: smallholder farmers' perspectives on nitrogen cycling. Environmental Research Communications. 4(1)
Brownlie W, Sutton M, Heal KV, Reay DS, Spears B.  2022.  Our Phosphorus Future.
Gu B, Zhang L, Holland M, Vieno M, Van Grinsven HJM, Zhang S, Rao S, Sutton M.  2022.  Particle toxicity’s role in air pollution—Response. Science. 375(6580)
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Yang AL, Raghuram N, Adhya TKumar, Porter SD, Panda ANarayan, Kaushik H, Jayaweera A, Nissanka SPremalal, Anik AReza, Shifa S et al..  2022.  Policies to combat nitrogen pollution in South Asia: gaps and opportunities. Environmental Research Letters. 17(2)
Rahman MMizanur, Alam MSaiful, Islam MMoshiul, Kamal MZia Uddin, Rahmam G.KMM, Haque MMozammel, G. Miah M., Biswas JChandra.  2022.  Potential of legume-based cropping systems for climate change adaptation and mitigation. Advances in Legumes for Sustainable Intensification.
Ashraf MNadeem, Hu C, Xu X, Aziz T, Wu L, Waqas MAhmed, Farooq M, Hu X, Zhang W, Xu M.  2022.  PREPRESS Long-term manure application increased soil organic carbon and nitrogen mineralization through the accumulation of unprotected and physically protected carbon fractions. Pedosphere.
Ehsan S, Maqsood MAamer, Muhmood A, Price GW, Aziz T.  2022.  Recycled biowaste improved soil physical properties of alkaline soil and wheat performance. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 15(14)
Gurmesa GAbdisa, Wang A, Li S, Peng S, de Vries W, Gundersen P, Ciais P, Phillips OL, Hobbie EA, Zhu W et al..  2022.  Retention of deposited ammonium and nitrate and its impact on the global forest carbon sink. Nature Communications. 13
Aziz T, Wakeel A, Shahzad ANaeem, Rees R, Sutton M.  2022.  Rethinking nitrogen use: need to plan beyond present. Nitrogen Assessment Pakistan as a Case-Study. :1-11.
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Zhang X, Wang Y, Schulte-Uebbing L, de Vries W, Zou T, Davidson E.  2022.  Sustainable Nitrogen Management Index: Definition, global assessment and potential improvements. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering. 9(3)
Yan X, Xia L, Ti C.  2022.  Temporal and spatial variations in nitrogen use efficiency of crop production in China. Environmental Pollution. 293
Anik AReza, Begho T, Sharna SChowdhury, Eory V, Rahman M.Mizanur.  2022.  Toward improving nitrogen use efficiency in rice production: the socio-economic, climatic and technological determinants of briquette urea adoption. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems,. 37(5)
[Anonymous].  2022.  UNEP/EA.5/Res.2 Sustainable Nitrogen Management.
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