
Found 420 results
[Anonymous].  2021.  Bangladeshi received first international South Asian award for nitrogen management.
[Anonymous].  2021.  The Berlin Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management.
Lee S-I, Park H-J, Jeong Y-J, Seo B-S, Kwak J-H, Yang HIn, Xu X, Tang S, Cheng W, Lim S-S et al..  2021.  Biochar-induced reduction of N2O emission from East Asian soils under aerobic conditions: Review and data analysis. Environmental Pollution. 291
Naher UAminun, Biswas JChandra, Maniruzzaman M., Khan FHossain, Sarkar M.Imran Ulla, Jahan A, Hera M.Hasibur Ra, Hossain M.Belal, Islam A, Islam M.Rafiqul et al..  2021.  Bio-Organic Fertilizer: A Green Technology to Reduce Synthetic N and P Fertilizer for Rice Production. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12
Zhang J, Guo X, Zhao L.  2021.  Budget of riverine nitrogen over the East China Sea shelf. Environmental Pollution. 289
[Anonymous].  2021.  CBD/WG2020/3/3 First Draft of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
Hawley J.  2021.  Clean Air Day: nitrogen pollution from agriculture has been overlooked for far too long.
[Anonymous].  2021.  #CleanAirDay: Air pollution is ravaging Wales' wildflowers and the wealth of wildlife they underpin.
Raghuram N.  2021.  Climate Change Is Not Just About Carbon, There Is Nitrogen Too!.
Jiangand J, Stevenson DS, Uwizeye A, Tempio G, Sutton M.  2021.  A climate-dependent global model of ammonia emissions from chicken farming. Biogeosciences. 18
Bennett BNatalie, Goldsmith LZac.  2021.  Colombo Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management, Question for Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Shibata H, Ban R, Hirano N, Eguchi S, Mishima S-I, Chiwa M, Yamashita N.  2021.  Comparison of spatial and temporal changes in riverine nitrate concentration from terrestrial basins to the sea between the 1980s and the 2000s in Japan: Impact of recent demographic shifts. Environmental Pollution. 288
Shibata H, Ban R, Hirano N, Eguchi S, Mishima S-I, Chiwa M, Yamashita N.  2021.  Comparison of spatial and temporal changes in riverine nitrate concentration from terrestrial basins to the sea between the 1980s and the 2000s in Japan: Impact of recent demographic shifts. Environmental Pollution. 288
Ragkos A, Hayashi K, Serra J, Shibata H, Michalis E, Eguchi S, Oita A, Cordovil CMarques-do.  2021.  Contrasting Considerations among Agricultural Stakeholders in Japan on Sustainable Nitrogen Management. Sustainability. 13(9: 4866)
Gray L.  2021.  COP26 fails to tackle nitrogen in farming.
Gu B, van Grinsven HJM, Lam SKee, Oenema O, Sutton M, Mosier A, Chen D.  2021.  A Credit System to Solve Agricultural Nitrogen Pollution. The Innovation. 2(1)
Madan B, Malik A, Raghuram N.  2021.  Crop nitrogen use efficiency for sustainable food security and climate change mitigation. Plant Nutrition and Food Security in the Era of Climate Change.
Zhang C, Rees RM, Ju X.  2021.  Cropping system design can improve nitrogen use efficiency in intensively managed agriculture. Environmental Pollution. 280
Ruolin Y.  2021.  Curbing Ammonia Could Help China Tackle Air Pollution, Study Says.
[Anonymous].  2021.  Cutting ammonia emissions is a cost-effective way to prevent air pollution deaths.
Charles K.  2021.  Cutting ammonia emissions may be the best way to reduce air pollution.
Liu Y, Jiang Q, Sun Y, Jian Y, Zhou F.  2021.  Decline in nitrogen concentrations of eutrophic Lake Dianchi associated with policy interventions during 2002–2018. Environmental Pollution. 288(117826)
Bhuiyan MSaiful Isl, Rahman A, Kim GWon, Das S, Kim PJoo.  2021.  Eco-friendly yield-scaled global warming potential assists to determine the right rate of nitrogen in rice system: A systematic literature review. Environmental Pollution. 271
Naher UAminun, Haque MMozammel, Khan FHossain, Sarkar MImran Ulla, Ansari THossain, Hossain MBelal, Biswas JChandra.  2021.  Effect of long-term nutrient management practices on soil health and paddy yield of rice-rice-fallow cropping system in tropic humid climate. European Journal of Soil Biology. 107
Lee JKyung, Park HJun, Cha SJu, Kwon SJu, Park JHee.  2021.  Effect of pyroligneous acid on soil urease, amidase, and nitrogen use efficiency by Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris var. Pekinensis). Environmental Pollution. 291
