Nitrogen Policies


This database compiles 2,726 nitrogen policies from 186 countries, sourced from the ECOLEX database and other databases, as originally provided for the publication by Kanter et al, 2020  and subsequently extended for South Asia by the GCRF South Asian Nitrogen Hub by Yang et al. 2022 (966 N policies). The database is searchable by country, keyword, date, policy instrument, economic sector and geographical scale.


Kanter et al. (2020) Gaps and opportunities in nitrogen pollution policies around the world. Nat Sustain, 3, pp.956–963.

Anastasia L Yang et al. (2022) Policies to combat nitrogen pollution in South Asia: gaps and opportunities. Environ. Res. Lett. 17 025007.

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Policy Title ECOLEX Ref ID Scale Sector Date of Text
Decree No. 2006-928 establishing the new national nature reserve of the Alsatian Little Camargue (Haut-Rhin).
National 27/07/2006
Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships) Regulations 2005 (B.R. No. 35 of 2005).
Regional Transport 03/10/2005
Strategy for Agricultural Development in Georgia 2015-2020.
National Agriculture 2014
Resolución Nº 309 - Somete a libertad vigilada algunos fertilizantes y plaguicidas de uso agrícola.
National Agriculture 12/12/2007
Resolution CONAMA No. 237 regulating the licensing for environmental activities.
National 19/12/1997
Law No. 4/2009 - Law on integrated environmental protection.
Regional 14/05/2009
Guidelines for irrigation water quality (G.N. No. 617 of 1999).
National 1999
National Water Strategy of Jordan, 2016 – 2025.
National 2016
Décret accordant un crédit destiné à soutenir la mise en conformité des installations de stockage des engrais de ferme exigée par la loi fédérale du 24 janvier 1991 sur la protection des eaux.
Regional Agriculture 04/03/1997
Lake and River Traffic Ordinance.
National Transport 15/04/2013
