Activity 3.4

Activity 3.4 - Refinement of regional approach to demonstrate benefits of joined up nitrogen management

This task allows for refinement of the design in the regional approach together with demonstration of the benefits of joined up nitrogen management. 

The first step is to draft a document that explains the rationale of the regional approach for a wider audience, including aspects that illustrate how the regional approach may be on the one hand a common concept, while on the other hand be tuned to emphasize different regional priorities.

The last stage is to work to feed the outcomes of the regional approach into the Components and with the wider user community. Specifically, the approach developed feeds into the consolidated global synthesis (A2.2), showing the role of regional information in global nitrogen cycle assessment. At the same time it provides material feed into Component 4 on wider engagement and dissemination (Activity 4.4), including with partners representing parallel processes, such as GPA, UNEP, OECD, UNECE, CBD, UNFCCC, CCAC, FAO etc.