Activity 4.3-4.4

Activity 4.3 & 4.4 - Demonstration of INMS to provide support to international policy frameworks, & development of long-term strategy

The activities focus on delivering high level relevant messages emerging from INMS, in regional through to intergovernmental settings. Thus strengthening the understanding of the Global N Cycle with respect to GPA objectives and in regional to global policy settings.

  • Throughout INMS, targeted research is being translated into key messages, which are audience relevant (T4.3.1). This message development and refinement takes place in consultation with the Project Management Board and stakeholder groups.

  • In order to maximise the effective uptake of the key messages from INMS, in regional to intergovernmental settings, an engagement strategy is being developed (T4.4.1).

  • The strategy considers the timescale and needs of each process and potential opportunities in terms of individuals and key meetings involved. Finally, the future sustainability of INMS is being examined, including potential homes and financing mechanisms (T4.4.2). This links closely with the ongoing engagement on INMS in regional and intergovernmental settings (T4.4.1).