Component 4: Awareness raising and knowledge sharing
The purpose of this component is to support all internal and external communication and knowledge exchange in the project. Key to the success of this targeted research activity is the uptake of emerging results by other partners, ongoing engagement and exchange of ideas with stakeholders to ensure that tools and products are fit for purpose and communication of all results in the most effective way. As such, Component 4 is informed by the key high-level outputs from the other three components and the needs and practicalities of partners and external stakeholders. A solid foundation has been built for internal communication within INMS, e.g. newsletters, meetings and a dedicated communications web portal. Information and datasets within the project are organised and made accessible through the web portal and INMS database system. This foundation has been paired with activities to engage with the N stakeholder community on a variety of levels, using a variety of approaches, including initiating a network of ‘Nitrogen Champions’. The links between INMS, GPA and other relevant intergovernmental process have been made along with considering the long-term needs and implications of INMS. Integrated guidance emerging from the project has been and will continue to be harmonised and communicated. Channels for knowledge exchange with the general public have been explored and exploited, including further investigating N footprinting and developing audience relevant communication products for dissemination through the website.
The main elements and outputs of component 4 are as follows:
Main elements
Establishment of the INMS communications hub and its ongoing operation, including a web portal, the INMS database, internal project communication and press and public engagement functions;
Training in nitrogen measurement, modelling and mitigation techniques provided to regional and national experts, international engagement on linking intergovernmental processes and sharing experience on the use of N footprinting to increase public awareness;
Development of synthesis to demonstrate INMS in support of GPA objectives, co-ordinating the outputs from INMS and other policy processes and formulating a long-term strategy for INMS, including potential homes and financing options;
Harmonization and publication of guidance documents on ‘N budgets efficiency and benchmarking’, ‘threats fluxes and distribution methods’, ‘N measures and good practices’ including information on barriers and successes;
Provision of support to IW-LEARN and engagement with GEF & STAP, including connecting the INMS web portal with IW-LEARN, developing a ‘Community of Practice’, ‘Experience Notes’ and taking part in IW-LEARN Conferences.
Activities delivering key outputs
Component 4 is composed of nine activities which are delivering the outputs below.
- Activity 4.1: Output 4.1. Information sharing and networking portal to assist the GPA, OECD, UNEA, UNECE and other bodies with uptake of understanding of N cycle and means to mitigate negative impacts
- Activity 4.2: Output 4.2. Training for regional/national experts to sustain and enhance understanding of global N cycle implementation of national indicators, diffusion of new technologies and links across the nitrogen policy arena relevant for inter-governmental processes
- Activity 4.3: Output 4.3. Overall demonstration of the International Nitrogen Management System (INMS) in support of understanding the Global Nitrogen Cycle to further strengthen the objectives of GPA, UNEA, OECD, UNECE and other bodies across the emerging Policy Arena on Nitrogen
- Activity 4.4: Output 4.4. Presentation of INMS development to UN Environment Assembly in Yrs 1 & 3
- Activity 4.5: Output 4.5. Guidance documents specific to selected stakeholders advising on assessing and presenting nitrogen management and use efficiency issues
- Activity 4.6: Output 4.6. With 1% of the project resources in support of IW:LEARN
- Activity 4.7: Output 4.7. Dedicated project website connected with IW:LEARN and other GEF knowledge management systems (within 6 months)
- Activity 4.8: Output 4.8. Documented cooperation and knowledge exchange with (i) IW:LEARN including at least one functioning CoP as well as (ii) with STAP
- Activity 4.9: Output 4.9. Participation at the International Waters conferences; at least 3 experiences notes and tracked project progress reported using the GEF5 IW tracking tool