
Protocol on the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution from land-based sources and activities.

The objective pursued by the Contracting Parts is to prevent, abat, combat and eliminate the pollution of the Mediterranean Sea caused by discharges from rivers, coastal establishments or outfalls, or emanating from any other land-based sources and activities within their territories, giving priority to the phasing out of inputs of substances that are toxic, persistent and liable to bioaccumulate. The area to which the Protocol applies (hereinafter the “Protocol Area”) covers: (a) the Mediterranean Sea Area as defined in article 1 of the Barcelona Convention; (b) the hydrologic basin of the Mediterranean Sea Area; (c) waters on the landward side of the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured and extending, in the case of watercourses, up to the freshwater limit; (d) brackish waters, coastal salt waters including marshes and coastal lagoons, and groundwaters communicating with the Mediterranean Sea. Article 5 lays down general obligations. Point discharges into the area above-mentioned are to be strictly subject to authorization or regulation by the competent authorities of the Parties. The objectives are to be attained through, inter alia, monitoring activities, scientific and technical cooperation as well as programmes of technical assistance to developing countries (arts. 8-10). Article 11 regards transboundary pollution: if discharges from a watercourse which flows through the territory of two or more parties, or forms a boundary between them, are likely to cause pollution of the marine environment of the Protocol Area, the parties concerned shall cooperate with a view to ensuring the full application of these provisions. Further rules are concerned with settlement of disputes (art. 12), reports (art. 13) and the adoption of action plans, programmes and measures (art. 15). Additionally, the following four Annexes are attached: (I) Elements to be taken into account in the preparation of action plans, programmes and measures for the elimination of pollution from land-based sources; (II) Elements to be taken into account in the issue of the authorizations for discharges of wastes; (III) Conditions of application to pollution transported through the atmosphere; (IV) Criteria for the definition of best available techniques and best environment practice.

Regional Info


Albania; Algeria; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Cyprus; Croatia; Egypt; France; Greece; Israel; Italy; Libya; Malta; Morocco; Monaco; Slovenia; Spain; Tunisia; Turkey; European Union; Lebanon; Syrian Arab Republic

Policy Type: 





Temporal Info

Date - Original Text: 


Date - Consolidation: 
