With a view to protecting human health and the environment against air pollution, the present Law regulates the establishment of the following: (1) limit values for the ambient air quality and alert thresholds; (2) emission limit values; (3) a unique system of ambient air quality monitoring and control. The protection of ambient air quality and the management of sources of emissions shall be based upon the principles of careful and responsible behaviour (art. 5) and time perspectivity (art. 6). The scope of the Law covers the following sources: (1) installations used in technological processes and energy generation facilities (stationary sources); (2) internal combustion engines in locomotives, ships, aircrafts and vehicles (mobile sources); and (3) fuels. The Law consists of 81 articles divided as follows: (I) General provisions; (II) Principles of ambient air quality and sources of emissions management; (III) Sources of pollution; (IV) Unique limit values; (V) Ambient air quality management; (VI) Monitoring of ambient air quality and sources of emission; (VII) Information system; (VIII) Ambient air quality protection against pollution; (IX) Financing; (X) Supervision and responsible bodies; (XI) Penalty provisions; (XII) Transitional and closing provisions.
Law on ambient air quality.