This Law hereby regulates the water protection rules and basic principles (long-term water protection requirements). Water protection, object of this text, is regulated by a set of provisions aimed to prevent the water pollution and unreasonable water use. Also, water protection includes the physical preservation and legal frame for the water use, necessary quality goals in terms of water chemical properties, development of good condition for the performance of water protection activities, maintenance of several water related sites and infrastructure, with the purpose of achieving the rationally sustainable use of water resources on the territory of the Brcko District, autonomous part of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. These rules are made in order to offer the proper use of water resources with the principal aim of preservation and improvement of the water quality, further setting the rules as regards the inspection and monitoring, preservation of natural processes and of the natural balance of water and of plant and animal life, including the provisions aimed for aquatic ecosystems species. Some of the rules here stipulated are also defined as basic principles of environmental protection in relation with the water sector, specific economic approach to the water sector, implementation of realistic compensation regime for water use, application of the best available technologies and new techniques in ecology and in sustainable use of natural resources. The Law is divided into X Chapters and 66 articles, including the public participation issues (see Chapter VII), and offences and consequential penalties (see Chapter IX).
Law on water protection (Brčko District).