
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015 – 2020.

The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan is a national plan with a sectoral approach. The timeframe of the Policy is 5 years between 2015 and 2020. The main goal of NBSAP (2015-2020) is to significantly improve the integrity of Tanzania’s ecosystems by 2020, thereby sustainably contributing to human well-being and socio-economic development of the country. Policies, laws and strategies on biodiversity and agriculture will be developed to promote sustainable management of forestry, agriculture and aquatic ecosystems. Preventive measures will be taken to reduce the rate of degradation and fragmentation of ecosystems and the loss of habitats. Legislations regarding exploitation of aquatic and associated terrestrial resources will be reviewed and enforced to promote sustainable management of coastal and marine environment, as well as conservation and sustainable use of terrestrial and marine protected areas and ecosystems. According to the results of assessments, the existing and new biodiversity friendly incentives will be established and reinforced to ensure their long-term sustainability. The implementation of the Legislation on environmental pollution prevention and control, invasive alien species, endangered and threatened species, and phytosanitary measures will be strengthened for ecosystem preservation. Inventory of threatened genetic species of cultivated plants, non-timber forest products and farmed and domesticated animals including their wild relatives will be established. A National Red data Book (NRB) for flora and fauna will be established, which will be accessible to users. Gene banks will be established for ex situ conservation. Fair and equitable sharing of benefits from utilization of biodiversity resource will be ensured and also prior informed consent will be promoted to ensure benefits from transfer of Tanzania's genetic resources. Traditional knowledge, innovation and practices relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity will be promoted. Furthermore the Plan stresses on the contribution of education, capacity building, data collection, technology, traditional knowledge, scientifically based information, innovation and practices in biodiversity conservation. The needs of women, local and vulnerable communities will be taken into account, while safeguarding the ecosystems that provide essential services, related to water, and contribute to health, livelihoods and well-being. Institutional capacity building will be enhanced and the role of coordinating institutions will be strengthened for biodiversity conservation. Awareness will be raised to promote effective participation of stakeholders in biodiversity conservation. Biodiversity will be mainstreamed into all levels of education and the National Environmental Education and Communication Strategy (NEECS) will be implemented to promote biodiversity. Financing strategies for biodiversity and other ecosystem services will be integrated into national and local development strategies and plans. The linkages between public and private sector will be strengthened. Private investments will be encouraged in sustainable eco-friendly production and consumption systems, with attention to forestry management, charcoal production, energy conservation, environmental friendly technologies such as wood fuel saving stoves and the use of biogas, green farming practices, sustainable aquaculture technologies and biofuel development and use. In order to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation and to combating desertification, ecosystem resilience and the contribution of biodiversity to carbon stocks will be enhanced. Measures will be taken for vulnerable ecosystems against climate change. The monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the NBSAP will be carried out in a participatory manner and on a continuous basis. This NBSAP shall be revised after every five years.

Regional Info


Tanzania, Un. Rep. of

Policy Type: 





Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: