This Act provides for the designation, management, use and conservation, etc. of rivers for the prevention of any damage caused by river running water, promotion of benefits from river use and maintenance and conservation of river environment. The management agency may designate a river area, a planned area to be a river and a coastal area to preserve a river and prevent any river damage (arts. 8 to 10). The Minister of Construction and Transportation shall establish a long-term master plan for water resources and comprehensive water control plans for river basin (art. 11). The Minister of Construction and Transportation shall conduct the river basin survey necessary for the management of rivers. The Minister of Construction and Transportation shall determine the minimum quantity of flowing water necessary to maintain normal functions and state of rivers. Installers of dams, structures or canals which store or impound flowing water from a river shall install facilities necessary and take other necessary measures to prevent and reduce disaster occurrences (arts. 22 to 25). A river maintenance implementation plan shall be established by a management agency who intends to carry out any river work. Dispute mediation of flowing water use mediation is provided for in Chapter III. Chapter IV establishes river expenses and revenues. A Central River Management Committee shall be established at the Ministry of Construction and Transportation in order to deliberate important matters on river management and mediate disputes on the use of flowing water (Chapter V). The remaining part of the Act contains penal provisions and provisions of miscellaneous nature.
River Act.