These Regulations provide for the construction of water supply and treatment installations, prescribe standards for “raw water”, i.e. untreated water and standards for “drinking water, i.e. treated water that is supplied for use by consumers, and regulate inspections, sampling and analysis for water supplied under these Regulations. A person who wishes to install or construct any plant for treating water shall submitted to the Departmental Head: (i) details of chemical and bacteriological analysis of the raw water he or she proposes to treat; and (ii) particulars of the source of water; and shall obtain a written approval authorizing the use that water. An approval by the Departmental Head authorizes the person to whom the approval relates to take or abstract water for the purposes of treatment only from the raw water source named in the approval. The Departmental Head shall grant only approval in respect of raw water that meets the quality standards set out in the First Schedule. Drinking water shall comply with the drinking water quality standards set out in Schedule 2. It is the duty of a water supplier to ensure that drinking water supplied by him to a consumer complies with the drinking water quality standards. A water supplier shall, submit to the Central Public Health Laboratories samples of the water from his treatment plant and his distribution system for analysis and examination. Where it is established by analysis and examination that drinking water supplied by a water supplier does not comply with the drinking water quality standards, the Departmental Head shall by written notice direct the water supplier to take such corrective measures as are specified in the notice. In certain circumstances the Departmental Head may order closure etc., of treatment plant.
Public Health (Drinking Water) Regulation 1984.