
The National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan 2016-2020.

The National Biodiversity Strategic Action Plan is a planning instrument with a multi-sectoral approach, relating to the period 2016-2020, whose vision is a unified, vibrant and informed Solomon Island’s society, embodied with an environmental culture, where unique and endemic biodiversity remain part of the natural heritages and cultural identities, and where, ecosystem services continue to prevail, providing for the economic, social, spiritual and intellectual development for its people. The plan is based upon the following principles: intergenerational equity; precautionary; participation and inclusiveness; ecosystem approach; accountability and transparency. Five Strategic Goals are set out: A) Addressing the underlying causes of the loss of biodiversity by effectively and efficiently delivering of our mandates and developing of incentives and subsidies to improve and enhance biodiversity management; B) Reduce the direct and indirect pressures on biodiversity through ecosystem based management approach; C) Enhancing and promoting of protection and restoration of biodiversity to safeguard ecosystems, native species and genetic diversity; D) Enhancing the equitable sharing of benefits derived from biodiversity, and safeguarding traditional knowledge associated with biodiversity uses for the benefit of all. The plan seeks to help eliminate food insecurity and malnutrition though the preservation of biodiversity. By 2020, measures should be in place to control the potential entry of invasive species, and an implementation plan should be adopted to control or eradicate current invasive species that are threatening food security, trade and people’s health. The instrument aims to make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable. By 2020, the genetic diversity of native cultivated plants, domesticated animals and their wild relatives, and or any socio-economical and culturally valuable species’ population are maintained or increase. The reduction of rural poverty is among the objectives of the plan (see Target 14 under Strategic Goal C). Furthermore, the document seeks to Enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems. By 2020, ecosystems that provide essential services (particularly services related to water, its contribution to human health, livelihood and well-being) shall be restored and safeguarded, taking into account the needs of women, land owners, local communities, and the poor and vulnerable. Moreover, the plan aims to increase the resilience of livelihoods to disasters. By 2020, a mitigation action plan shall be developed and integrated with infrastructure development and disaster risk management. Concerning governance, it is worth noticing Target 2 of Strategic Goal A, whose vision is that, by 2020, existing environmental laws, regulations, policies, management plans and action plans have been effectively implemented, with special attention towards the effective implementation of those provisions for supporting of incentives and subsidies for biodiversity managements.

Regional Info


Solomon Islands

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Temporal Info

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