This Ministerial Decision, consisting of 10 articles divided into six Chapters and six Annexes, establishes the Regulation on Detailed Requirements for Screening, Definition of Scope and Terms of Reference of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plans (EMP) for Environmental Evaluation. This Regulation applies to all projects proposed in accordance with the Environmental Licensing Act. EIA has as general objectives to provide: Information about the proposed project; Basic information on the environmental, social and economic conditions of the proposed project area; Information on the potential impacts of the project; Information on proposed measures to avoid, reduce or offset any significant negative impacts; Information on the main alternatives considered by the project proponent; Public consultations results. The overall objective of the EMP is to ensure that the mitigation of negative impacts and the valuation of positive impacts are executed effectively through the project life cycle. The EMP should address mitigation and management measures in the different phases of the proposed project with relevance and especially in the pre-construction, construction, development and deactivation phases. The EMP shall be consistent with the results of the EIA (the minimum content is set out in Annex VI).
Ministerial Decision No. 46/2017 on the Regulation on Detailed Requirements for Screening, Definition of Scope and Terms of Reference of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plans for Environmental Evaluation.