This Resolution approves the Boa Vista Island Conservation Strategy and Plan. This Plan, consisting of 9 sections, has the following objectives: maintaining different, unique and characteristic ecosystems; protecting species of wild animals and plants according to particular traditional values; protecting areas of particular genetic diversity, such as, areas with a variety of ecosystems, endemic species and natural heritage of great aesthetic or scientific value. In addition, it promotes the tourism sector in natural sites and preserves places of great interest for scientific research of geographical, cultural, archaeological and historical sites. These sites aim at conserving the natural and cultural resources, and are assessed through the institutional framework and the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) of the island of Sal, with the purpose of tracing the island's conservation strategy, defining their conservation plan, and regulating the monitoring and evaluation.
Decree-Law No. 37/2016 approving the Boa Vista Island Conservation Strategy and Plan.