This Decree, composed of three articles and one Annex, approves the Regulation on municipal water supply and wastewater treatment. The aim is to define technical conditions necessary for municipal water supply and wastewater discharge under safe and quality conditions. The annexed regulation is composed of 273 articles structured in three main Titles addressing respectively to water plants, wastewater infratsructure and municipal requirements for water supply and wastewater discharge. The first two Titles provide quality requirements and define control procedures. Moreover, they regulate cadastre of plants and infrastructures as well as dimensions and zoning requirements. With regards to wastewater, particular attention is paid to pollution prevention measures. The third Title instead addresses water quality measurements and control, public authorities’ duties and responsibilities, service requirements and inspections. Particular attention is paid to service contract aspects and to project design, works and studies.
Decree No. 15/2004 approving the Regulation on municipal water supply and wastewater treatment.