This Resolution, consisting of 9 articles and three Annexes, approves the Environmental Investment Directives for the period 2017-2020 for municipal projects and 2017-2021 for Central Government projects and those submitted by companies and civil society organizations. For these projects that are part of the Multiyear Public Investment Plan or other approved sector plans are eligible for funding from the Environment Fund and have objectives, results and activities in the following areas: Integrated management of solid urban waste; Awareness and environmental education; Environmental rehabilitation, especially drainage of waste water; Urban rehabilitation with an impact on the improvement of the environmental and sanitary quality; Entrepreneurship of communal services, especially in the area of water sanitation; Basic sanitation; Integrated waste and hazardous products management; Prevention of different forms of environmental pollution and degradation of the environment and restoration of ecosystems; Nature conservation; Information, awareness and environmental education; and Strategic planning and action in the environmental field.
Resolution No. 108/2017 approving Environmental Investment Directives for the period 2017-2020 for municipal projects and 2017-2021 for Central Administration projects.