These Regulations prohibit various acts so as to ensure the running of clean water in drains, gutters, canals or streams in town of Quatre Bornes. Among the various activities prohibited by these Regulations are: depositing or throwing in a drain, gutter, canal or stream, any earth, rubbish or any materials or other thing that may obstruct the free flowing of water; and polluting of a drain, gutter, canal or stream with any dung, filth, offal, dead animals or other offensive or noxious matter; and filthy water to run or flow in any drain, gutter, canal or stream from his premises. No person shall fill up or obstruct any drain, gutter, canal or stream or shall dig the same, without a permit from the Council the Municipal Council.
Quatre Bornes (Cleansing, management and protection of drains, gutters, canals and streams) Regulation 2012 (G.N. No. 64 of 2012).