The present Decree lays down requirements related to the emission of substances into the air for small and medium combustion plants: criteria for the classification of combustion plants; fuel that may be used in combustion plants; evaluation of the emission of substances in the gas; limits emissions from combustion plants; measures to reduce emissions into the atmosphere; operational monitoring of emissions. Ale the requirements are specified individually for small and for medium combustion plants. This Decree of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia is composed of the following Sections: General provisions (sect. 1); Small and medium combustion plants (sect. 2); Evaluation of discharged emissions (sect. 3); Emission limits for small combustion plants (sect. 4); Emission limits for medium combustion plants (sect. 5); Measures to reduce air emissions (sect. 6); Operational monitoring of emissions (sect. 7); Control (sect. 8); Penalty provisions (sect. 9); Transitional and final provisions (sect. 10).
Decree on the emission of substances into the atmosphere from small and medium combustion plants.