The Act consists of 17 sections divided into 4 Parts: Preliminary (I); Administration (II); Control within Controlled Areas (III); General (IV).; Areas may be declared to be controlled areas by the Minister under section 7. No person shall within a controlled Area vary on any industrial process causing or involving the emission into the atmosphere of objectionable matters as defined in section 2, without a valid registration certificate, or erect any building or plant intended for industrial processes without receiving from the Air Pollution Control Officer, appointed under section 3, the authority to do so. An application for a registration certificate shall be lodged with the Air Pollution Control Officer in accordance with section 9. Section 10 sets out the condition of registration certificates. There is established an Atmospheric Pollution Appeals Board which shall hear appeals from decisions of the Air Pollution Control Officer (sect. 11). Powers of the Air Pollution Control Officer and inspectors are set out in sections 4 and 11.
Atmospheric Pollution (Prevention) Act (Chapter 65:03).