
The National Strategic Plan of Barbados 2006-2025.

The National Strategic Plan of Barbados is a national policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The timeframe of the Strategy is 20 years between 2006 and 2025. The broad vision of the National Strategic Plan of Barbados is to achieve a fully developed society that is prosperous, socially just and globally competitive. The strategic goals of the Plan are cultural transformation, improved governance, national development, green economy, economic growth, and global success. Food security will be enhanced through safe food supply. A national food security program will be developed. Reliable supply of safe and nutritious food will be provided at the most economical prices to meet current and future needs. In order to provide safe drinking water, a long-term program will be established for the rehabilitation and expansion of the water supply system to ensure sustainability. The health status of all Barbadians will be improved due to the development of the health system. With the aim of a sustainable society that coexist in clean and healthy environment, green economy will be built through (i) effective environmental management, (ii) a safe and reliable water supply, (iii) energy efficiency and conservation, (iv) use of renewable energy resources, (v) sustainable land management, (vi) rational use of fertilizers, (vii) comprehensive waste management, (viii) effective management and protection of natural resources, (ix) effective management and conservation of water resources, (x) conservation of marine and coastal ecosystems, (xi) protection of wildlife habitats and significant flora and fauna, (xii) public awareness raising on the relationship between the environment and the well-being of each individual, and (xiii) the development of accurate data and information systems. A program will be established for the water supply to adequately meet the needs of domestic and commercial users and for irrigation purposes. Arable agricultural land will be safeguarded with sustainable land management practices. Social cohesion will be developed with non-discrimination principle. The number of community-based groups and organizations will increase. Furthermore employment opportunities for persons with disabilities will increase. The rights of all, particularly persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, will be respected in all aspects of the society with a gender sensitive approach. Gender equity and equality will be ensured through the integration of gender into all areas of national planning and development. The role of the private sector, trade unions, non-governmental organizations and civic-based organizations will be promoted. Civil society will be integrated into all spheres of activity in Barbados, including decision-making processes. Capacity building of youth and youth organizations will be enhanced for self-development with social services, access to resources and education and entrepreneurship programs. The life quality of disabled and elderly will be improved. The basic necessities for the poor and disadvantaged will be met. Social security systems and the social protection network will be strengthened. Poverty eradication programs will be developed. Food safety requirements will be met regarding veterinary services, plant health, international food safety standards, pest and disease detection and control, and pesticide use. Fishing market infrastructure will be regulated to ensure Sanitary and Phytosanitary compliance and adherence to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point principles. Smallholders will be promoted through credit, advisory, marketing and other relevant assistance. Development of entrepreneurial and business skills will be supported to increase the number of globally competitive entrepreneurs by 2025, new business enterprises and in the rate of expansion of existing ones. Private sector institutions will be strengthened to make a substantially higher contribution to economic and social development. A national research and development and innovation center will be established. Disaster management will be improved against natural and man-made hazards. The response capacity will be enhanced at the national and community levels. Appropriate development standards will be used to build resilience against the increasing intensity of natural hazards, including the effects of climate change. An integrated environmental health management system will be developed involving the principles of risk assessment and risk management. The National Emergency Operation Centre will be developed. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Development shall be responsible for the implementation of the National Strategic Plan. A Special Unit will be created by the Ministry to monitor the implementation of the National Strategic Plan. This Unit will be controlled and assisted by the National Economic Council and the Social Council.

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