The provisions of this Order relate to the grant of subsidy to municipal wetland projects to improve the water environment by reducing nitrogen load as determined by the state water plans for each hinterland. The Danish AgriFish Agency may provide subsidies for studies, establishment of wetlands and ensure an economic framework for applied projects under one or more of the following: purchase of project land under the Land Consolidation Act No. 535 of 24 June 2005 (a); land distribution under the land distribution Act (b); approval for grants to maintain wetlands under the Food Industry Decree on subsidies for the maintenance of wetlands. Applications for subsidies must be submitted to the Agency through the Danish Forest and Nature Agency on special application forms available at; The Order consists of 14 Chapters: Scope and content (1); Definitions (2); Administration (3); Eligible projects (4); Conditions for subsidy (5); Eligible costs (6); Changing the project (7); Calculation of subsidy (8); Subsidies (9); Duty to notify (10); Cancellation of agreements and repayment of grants (11); Force majeure (12); Appeals (13); Entry into force (14).
Order No. 951 on grants to municipal wetland projects.