
Nature Conservation Act.

The purpose of this Act is to: (a) protect the natural environment by promoting the preservation of biodiversity through ensuring the natural habitats and the populations of species of wild fauna, flora and fungi at a favourable conservation status; (b) preserve natural environments of cultural or esthetical value, or elements thereof; and (c) promote the sustainable use of natural resources. Principles of nature conservation shall be as follows: (a) nature conservation is carried out by means of restricting the use of areas important from the aspect of preservation of the natural environment, by regulating activities involving specimens of species of wild fauna, flora and fungi, specimens of fossils and minerals, and by promoting nature education and scientific research; and (b) nature conservation shall be based on the principles of balanced and sustainable development and in each individual case, alternative solutions shall be considered which, from the position of nature conservation, are potentially more effective. The following are protected natural objects: (a) protected areas; (b) limited-conservation area; (c) protected species, fossils and minerals; (d) species protection sites; (e) protected natural monuments; and (f) natural objects protected on local government level. Nature conservation subsidy is paid for performance of work specified by the protection rules or management plan necessary for preservation of semi-natural biotic communities of protected areas, limited-conservation areas or species protection sites. For the purpose of organising the protection of limited-conservation areas and protected areas, a management plan shall be prepared which shall set out: (a) the significant environmental factors and their impact to the natural object; (b) the objectives of protection, work necessary to reach the objectives, and the priority, schedule and volume of work; (c) a budget for accomplishing the plan.

Regional Info



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Temporal Info

Date - Original Text: 


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