
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of Georgia 2014 – 2020.

The Vision of Georgia’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan is that by 2030, the people of Georgia will be living in a harmonious relationship with nature, whereby biodiversity is valued, conserved, restored and wisely used, ecosystem processes and services are maintained, a healthy environment is sustained and benefits essential for the society are delivered. In order to achieve this Vision, national targets have been set. Chapter 3 outlines twenty national targets for safeguarding Georgia’s biodiversity together with strategic goals. Goal A: Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society. The targets connected to this Goal are as follows: National Target A.1: By 2020, at least 50% of the population of Georgia is informed about biodiversity; this segment of the populace is aware of the value biodiversity provides to society and the economy, knows about the ways itis threatened, and is acquainted with the steps necessary to mitigate those threats; National Target A.2: By 2020, significantly more people, especially local populations, are interested and effectively taking part in decision making processes that contribute both to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and to biosafety; National Target A.3: By 2020, sustainable use and the economic values of biodiversity and ecosystems are integrated into legislation, national accounting, rural development, agriculture, poverty reduction and other relevant strategies; positive economic incentives have been put in place and incentives harmful to biodiversity have been eliminated or reformed; National Target A.4: By 2020, an effective and fully functional national biosafety system has been put in place ensuring adequate protection of the country’s biodiversity from any potential negative impact from living modified organisms CBD. The Strategic Goal B is formulated as follows: Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use. Also here targets have been defined as follows: National Target B.1) By 2020, negative factors directly affecting threatened natural habitats have been significantly reduced through the sustainable management of at least 60% of these habitats, including at least 60% of forests, 80% of wetlands and 70% of grasslands; National Target B .2) By 2020, alien invasive species have been assessed with regard to their status and impact; their pathways have been evaluated and identified, and measures are in place to prevent their introduction and establishment through the management of these pathways; no new alien species have been recorded. National Target B. 3) By 2020, pollution, including from excess nutrients, has been brought to levels that are not detrimental to ecosystem functioning and biodiversity National: Target B.4): By 2020, the management of agricultural ecosystems and natural grasslands is improved; National Target B. 5) By 2020, the impact of fisheries on stock, species and ecosystems is within safe ecological limits; National Target B.6) By 2010, a national system of sustainable hunting is in place which ensures the viability of game species. Other Strategic Goals are to: Improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity (C); Enhance the benefits to all from biodiversity and ecosystem services (D); Enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity-building (E). The text consist of 12 chapters: Introduction (1); An overview of Georgia’s biodiversity (2); Vision and targets (3); Species and habitats (4); Protected areas (5); Forest ecosystems (6); Agricultural biodiversity and natural grassland (7); Inland water eco-systems (8); The biodiversity of the Black Sea (9); Communication, education, public awareness and public participation (10); Cross-cutting issues and governance (11); Strategic goals, national targets, objectives and actions (12). Implementation and resource mobilisation (13). Two Annexes are enclosed.

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