
Law on specially protected natural areas.

The objective of this Law is to set forth the legal principles of state policy for the sustainable development, restoration, conservation and use of ecosystems, nature complexes and separate objects of specially protected natural areas of environmental, economic, social, scientific, historical-cultural, aesthetic, health, climate regulating, recreational or spiritual value. Specially protected natural areas shall be owned by the state. The transfer of state-owned specially protected natural areas to a private ownership shall be prohibited. Protected areas shall be classified as follows: (a) biosphere reserve/reservation; (b) state reserve; (c) national park; (d) natural park; (e) state sanctuary and (f) natural monument. The purpose of legislation on specially protected natural areas shall be: (a) conservation of biological and landscape diversity, natural monuments; (b) sustainability of natural ecosystems and ecological balance; (c) restoration and sustainable development of natural ecosystems of local, regional and international importance; (d) maintenance of nature models, biodiversity and ecological balance; (e) prevention or mitigation of anthropogenic influence on sustainable development of ecosystems; (f) scientific research of natural course of natural phenomena; (g) promotion of sustainable use of natural objects and bio-resources in statutory cases; (h) promotion of ecological education and training activities; and (i) regulation of public relations in the sphere of conservation and use of specially protected natural areas. Specially protected natural areas shall be managed in accordance with five-year management plans. All protected areas shall be recorded in the official register. The following activities shall be prohibited on the territory of specially protected areas: (a) hunting and fishing; (b) harvest of plants, flowers or seeds; (c) timber extraction or logging; (d) grazing; (e) introduction or acclimatization of new flora and fauna species; and (f) exploration of subsoil or mining.

Regional Info



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Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: