
Water Code (Law No. 149-Z).

This Code regulates the relations arising from the possession, use and disposal of water and waterbodies and aims at the protection and rational (sustainable) use of water resources, as well as protection of rights and legitimate interests of water users. Basic principles of water management and protection shall be set forth as follows: (a) rational (sustainable) use of water resources; (b) integrated use of water resources; (c) priority of using groundwater as potable water; (d) improvement of the ecological status (state) of surface water bodies; (e) prevention of pollution; (f) basin management of water resources; (g) regulation in the field of water protection and use; (h) payment for water use, except for cases stipulated by paragraph 1 of Article 35 of this Code; (i) compensation for damage caused to waterbodies; (j) separation of functions of state regulation, management and control in the field of protection and use of water; and (k) participation of citizens and public associations in decision-making in the field of water protection and use. The Water Code consists of 14 Chapters sub-divided into 65 articles. Chapter 1 lays down the general provisions. Chapter 2 regards state management in the sphere of water protection and management. Chapter 3 sets forth rights and duties of citizens and public associations in the sphere of protection and management of water, and establishes water basin institutions. Chapter 4 regards rate setting in the sphere of protection and management of water. Chapter 5 deals with design, establishment, liquidation, acceptance in operation of surface waterbodies and objects causing impact on waterbodies. Chapter 6 regards water uses. Chapter 7 establishes rights and duties of water users. Chapter 8 deals with management of waterbodies, operation of water management systems and separate waterworks. Chapter 9 classifies the types of wastewater, establishes requirements for effluent wastewater discharge, sets forth rules for the use of waterbodies for discharge of wastewater, quarry wastewater, mine wastewater, drainage water, water injection (forced water reception) in subsoil. Chapter 10 regards water protection. Chapter 11 deals with water protection areas and coastal areas, establishes regime of economic and other activities within the aforesaid areas. Chapter 12 regards monitoring of surface water and groundwater, registration of abstracted groundwater and surface water, and registration of effluent wastewater discharged. It establishes public water register, and applies control over protection and management of water. Chapter 13 deals with unauthorized water use and establishes liability for the infringement of water legislation. Chapter 14 lays down final provisions.

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