This Order of the Flemish Government regulates the voluntary, complete and definitive cessation of the production of all poultry manure. Article 2 states that, within the limits of the budget appropriations approved for this purpose, a stop-off allowance is granted to poultry farmers who cease the exploitation of the production of any livestock manure from poultry on an existing farm. , in accordance with the terms and conditions referred to in the decree of arrest. The aforementioned Order also amends Article 7 of the Flemish Government Decree of 3 March 2000 implementing Articles 11 (1), 13 ° and 7, 33 and 33bis of the Decree of 23 January 1991 on the protection of the environment. environment against pollution from fertilizers. The text includes 13 articles.
Order of the Flemish Government regulating the voluntary, complete and definitive cessation of the production of all livestock manure from poultry.