This Act consists of 6 Chapters that contain 42 paragraphs. This Act determines the environmentally hazardous activities and lays down the bases for the integrated prevention and control of pollution arising from such activities, in order to prevent or reduce the harmful effect of human activity to the environment. Integrated environmental permit means a document granting authorisation to operate all or part of an installation in a manner which guarantees that the activities carried out in the installation which are included in any of the categories of activities or subcategories thereof specified in this Act have minimum possible harmful effect to the environment. The requirements laid down by a permit shall guarantee the protection of water, air and soil and the management of waste generated by an installation in a way which prevents the transfer of pollution from one medium to another (water, air and soil). The Act specifies the conditions for issuing integrated environmental permit, ensures access to information on permits and determines duties of operator.
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Act.