The present law, with the will and the ambition to answer the shared and worrying statement of an ecological emergency, sets the objectives and, as such, defines the framework of action, organizes the long-term governance and sets the instruments the policy implemented to combat and adapt to climate change, preserve biodiversity and associated services, contribute to a health-friendly environment, preserve and enhance the landscape. It ensures a new model of sustainable development that respects the environment and combines with a decrease in energy, water and other natural resources. The law is made up of 57 articles spread over 6 titles, namely: Fight against climate change (I); Biodiversity, ecosystems and natural environments (II); Prevention of risks to the environment and health, waste prevention (III); Examplary State (IV); Governance, Information and Training (V) and Overseas Provisions (VI); The national strategy for sustainable development and the national biodiversity strategy are drawn up by the State in line with the European strategy for sustainable development and in consultation with representatives of national and local elected representatives, employers, employees and civil society , including associations and foundations referred to in the second paragraph of section 49 of this Act. For public decisions likely to have a significant impact on the environment, the decision-making procedures will be revised to favor environmentally friendly solutions, proving that an alternative decision more favorable to the environment is impossible to achieve. reasonable cost .; As far as the regions, overseas departments and communities are concerned, given their environmental characteristics and the richness of their biodiversity, the State will base its policy on specific strategic choices to be made in the context of measures specific to these communities. These choices will include, in particular, an experimental framework for sustainable development, based on appropriate local governance, based on the provisions of the third paragraph of article 73 of the Constitution .; A plan for the energy and thermal renovation of existing buildings and the reduction of energy consumption of new constructions, realized on a large scale, will reduce energy expenditure durably, will improve the purchasing power of households and will contribute to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions . At the level of town planning, the State will encourage regions, departments and municipalities and their groups of more than 50,000 inhabitants to establish, in coherence with planning documents and after consultation with other competent authorities in the field of urban planning. energy, transport and waste, territorial climate-energy plans "before 2012. The State will take care to reduce the pollutions and the nuisances of the different modes of transport It will encourage the adoption of responsible behaviors with regard to the ecological requirements
Law n ° 2009-967 of programming relating to the implementation of the Grenelle of the environment.