
Biodiversity Strategy.

The Biodiversity Strategy is sectoral national strategy of the Republic of Serbia. The main objective of the Strategy is to conserve the biodiversity of the country. The Strategy provides for a set of objectives for this general objective. More specifically, it aims to restore biological diversity in degraded areas; complement in-situ conservation measures by maintaining ex-situ facilities and conducting ex-situ conservation measures; monitor, regulate and minimize processes and activities that have, or are likely to have, significant adverse impacts on biological diversity; establish and manage a comprehensive, adequate and representative system of protected areas covering the Republic of Serbia’s biological diversity. In addition, the Strategy also plans to promote the noted mechanisms widely within public and private sectors; ensure social and economic benefits of the use of genetic resources and other products and services originating from biological diversity; strengthen and expand the policy framework for biodiversity conservation; strengthen the legal framework for biodiversity conservation and ensure enforcement and compliance of biodiversity related legislation; strengthen the institutional framework for biodiversity conservation; strengthen and expand financing for biodiversity conservation and provide incentives for biodiversity conservation within all sectors; collect, review and synthesize available data and information on biological diversity to provide a basis for assessing the status of, monitoring, conserving and sustainably using biological diversity; involve local residents and communities in planning, decision-making and implementation related to biodiversity conservation; ensure coherency and coordination between this strategy and other international biodiversity-related commitments and agreements. In the area of disaster preparedness, the Strategy also provides concrete actions aiming to develop national strategies and mechanisms to understand, plan for and minimize the potential impacts of climate change on biological diversity; increase capacity among relevant institutions to monitor and predict impacts of climate change on biodiversity and evaluate the effectiveness of adaptation strategies and actions; and increase awareness of climate change impacts and adaptation strategies among all sectors and the general public. According to the document, the responsibility of the entire government is crucial to implementing the Strategy. Therefore each Ministry, and especially the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, will promote actions necessary for the full implementation of this strategy and establish mechanisms for its application, follow-up, evaluation and review. The Strategy also plans to develop a strategic financial plan to fund the implementation of the Strategy that identifies a diverse range of funding sources.

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