The present Act provides for the establishment of the Meewasin Valley Authority which is a conservation organization dedicated to conserving the cultural and natural resources of the South Saskatchewan River Valley. The Authority's activities include education, development and conservation. Centered in Saskatoon, the Conservation Zone of Meewasin runs 60 km along the river valley from the eastern edge of the municipality of Corman Park through Saskatoon to the western edge of Corman Park (Pike Lake to Clarke’s Crossing). The Authority is actively involved in the River Landing redevelopment.; In particular, the Authority has three mandates that focus on conservation, development, and education. As far as conservation is concerned, one of its primary goals is to protect natural and heritage resources in the valley. The goal of the Resource Conservation Department is to protect, conserve and restore natural habitat that has been changed or altered. Projects include improving biodiversity in natural grasslands through sheep grazing; erosion control and re-vegetation of areas along the river bank; afforestation (greening the valley); working with steward groups to restore important natural sites throughout the valley; preservation of remaining natural areas in the valley, and enhancing, restoring and/or creating wildlife habitat areas. Moreover, Meewasin offers a number of Education programs that promote conservation of the natural and cultural heritage resources of the valley.
Meewasin Valley Authority Act (S.S. 1979, c. M-11.1).