This Law, consisting of 51 articles divided into six chapters, provides for the guidelines and procedures to protect soil quality and to manage contaminated areas. The specific objectives of this Law are: to guarantee the sustainable use of the soil, avoiding its contamination and preventing ecosystem changes in its characteristics and functions, through the following activities: I - measures to protect the quality of soil and groundwater; II - preventive measures for the generation of contaminated areas; III - procedures for the identification of contaminated areas; IV - guarantee the health and safety of the population exposed to the contaminated areas; V - promotion of the rehabilitation of affected contaminated areas and groundwater; VI - encouraging the reuse of rehabilitated areas; VII - promotion of intra-institutional cooperation; VIII - guarantee the information and participation of the affected population in the decisions related to the contaminated areas.
Law No. 13.577 providing for the guidelines and procedures for the protection of soil quality and management of contaminated areas.