This Act aims to ensure that the water resources of Bhutan are protected, conserved and managed in an economically efficient and environmentally sustainable manner. The National Environment Commission, which is an independent authority responsible for the implementation of this Act, shall be established and its powers and functions include: coordinate national integrated water resources management; adopt strategies, plans and programmes for achieving the purpose of this Act; set water quality standards and guidelines; set effluent discharge standards for discharge of certain substances into water resources; set minimum environmental flows of watercourses; and develop criteria for waste water charges, abstraction charges and other fees. A National Integrated Water Resources Management Plan and River Basin Management Plans shall be formulated for the conservation, development and management of water resources. The Act provides for the establishment of River Basin Committees for proper management of water resources, and defines its internal organization and functions. In addition, the Act sets out procedures for obtaining an Environment Clearance in order to be allowed to abstract or use water. The Act further provides for: prevention and control of water pollution; specific requirements and procedures for drinking water, irrigation water, water resources in forests, wetlands; etc.; the construction and safety of water infrastructures; formation and functions of Water Users’ Associations; water related emergencies; dispute settlement and appeals; monitoring, enforcing and verification of the Act to be carried out by the Commission; offences and penalties; etc.
Water Act of Bhutan, 2011.