This Law hereby prescribes various provisions aimed to define the legal status of waters on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, defines the integrated water management approach, rules regarding the management of water facilities and water land, resources and financing of water activities, sustainable use of eater resources, supervision, rules related to the surface water and groundwater including thermal and mineral waters, except groundwater from which useful mineral raw materials and geothermal energy is obtained.; The Law is divided into XII Chapters and 68 articles, including offences and related penalties. Chapters are the following: Basic principles (I); Water assets (II); Water facilities (III); Integrated water management (IV); Water Acts and documents (V); Prohibition, restriction of rights and obligations for owners and users of water land and water facilities (VI); Other subjects of water management (VII); Information and water information system (VIII); Funding of water management (IX); Supervisions (X); Penalty provisions (XI); Transitional and final provisions (XII).
Water Law.