
Water Industry Act (No. 1 of 2001).

An Act to make provision for structural changes in water supply and sewerage services in Belize, for the abstraction and collection of water, the conservation of water resources, and to control pollution of water. The Act consists of 156 sections divided into 9 Parts: Preliminary (I); Regulation and provision of water and sewerage services (II); National policy and licensing of supply, etc. (III); Functions, powers and duties of licensees (IV); Control of water abstraction and use (VI); Water Pollution Control (VI); Reorganization of the Industry Transfer of the Undertaking of Water and Sewerage Authority (VII); Financial (VIII); General provisions (IX). Section 2 of Part I contains a comprehensive list of interpretations. Part II provides for the transfer of functions from the Water and Sewerage Authority to the Public Utility Commission to which functions and powers of the Minister are delegated by Order under section 6. The Commission receiving the delegation may make bylaws in accordance with section 7. Section 8 defines the functions of the Commission. Section 14 of Part III declares the national policy of the Government with respect to water resources conservation and distribution. The Public Utilities Commission may grant licences for the supply of water or sewerage and related services to a licensee pursuant to section 15. Section 16 prohibits unlicensed supply of water. Part IV defines the functions, powers and duties of licensees. It is divided into 5 Chapters: General duties (I); Gathering grounds (II); Power with respect to water supply and sewerage (III); General powers and compensation (IV); Fluoridation (V). Section 25 defines a general environmental duty. Chapter II of Part IV concerns gathering grounds or catchment areas for the collection of water to be supplied. These areas shall be retained as forest reserve or national parks or be declared a controlled area under section 58 of this Act. Sections 28 and 29 provide for the protection of gathering grounds. Section 58 gives other power to the Minister to declare controlled areas for purposes of water abstraction. This declaration causes control on abstraction of water in the area subject to provisions of the present Act. Section 70 of Part VI concerns the declaration water quality control areas, controlled waste or controlled class of waste. Sections 72 and 81 concern the control of pollution of waters in relation with agricultural practices. Agricultural operations shall be conforming good agricultural practices as defined by the Minister of Agriculture. Part IX is divided into 7 Chapters: Fire hydrants, supply pipes, etc. (I); Meters (II); sewerage works (III); Breaking open of streets, etc. (IV); Disconnections (V); Regulations, offences and penalties (VI); Repeal, commencement and savings (VII).

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