This Regulation defines quality standards for surface water and groundwater. The application of the measures taken pursuant to this Regulation may on no account lead, either directly or indirectly, to increased pollution of water, air or soil. Where different water quality standards, laid down by this Regulation or other legislation, apply to a single water body or watercourse, the most stringent quality standards shall apply. The Regulation consists of 10 Sections composed of 50 issues. Section 1 (issues 1-3) lays down general provisions. Section 2 (Issues 4-7) establishes water quality standards for surface waters. Section 3 (issues 8-13) establishes quality standards for priority fish waters. Section 4 (issues 14-18) establishes quality standards for bathing waters. Section 5 (issues 19-24) establishes quality standards for surface waters used for the abstraction of drinking water. Section 6 (issues 25-26) establishes quality standards for ground water used for the abstraction of drinking water. Section 7 (issues 27-40) regards water quality monitoring. Section 8 (issues 41-43) regards pollution prevention measures. Section 9 (issues 44-47) deals with information. Section 10 (issues 48-50) lays down transitional provisions.
Regulation No. 118 on surface and ground water quality.