The Rural Development Programme runs from 2014 to 2020. It includes support to develop rural areas. Environment, sustainable development and innovation are prioritised areas. The Rural development Programme includes: support to enterprises; Project support; Non-productive investments; Agri-environment payments; Support to organic production; Aid to areas of natural constraints; Animal welfare payments; Community-led local development. The programme steers towards clear goals which will contribute to achieving the overall objective which is smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The Rural Development Programme includes six priorities as follows: knowledge and innovation; competitiveness in agriculture; horticulture; reindeer husbandry; short-supply chains and animal welfare; environment, climate, and forestry, and new jobs in rural areas. Linked to the Rural Development Programme, the Maritime and Fisheries Programme as well as the regional and social fund programme for community-led local development is the Swedish rural network. The rural network brings together stakeholders working with rural, maritime and fisheries development in Sweden. The goal of the network is to have more people dedicated to rural development and to implement the programmes more effectively.
Swedish Rural Development Programme.