This Strategic Plan is a national wide sectoral document developed by the Ministry of Environment. The Plan was prepared in close connection with the National Vision 2025, the Executive Development Programme (EDP) for 2016-2018, and the recently adopted international Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030. The Vision of the Ministry of Environment is: “A distinguished ministry in protecting the components of the environment and sustaining them for a better life” to be achieved through the ministry’s core role in protecting the environment and maintaining all of its components including air, water, soil and ecosystems and its sustainability. The Ministry’s mission shall be to conserve the environment and its ecosystems through developing legal, strategic and policy frameworks in addition to spreading environmental culture and enhancing environmental monitoring and law enforcement and transition to a green economy within a participatory approach and a supporting institutional structure to contribute to achieving sustainable development”. The principles inspiring this strategy are (i) transparency and credibility; (ii) excellence and creativity; (iii) teamwork; (iv) participation; (v) justice; and (vi) commitment and responsibility. The Plans presents five strategic objectives: (i) to protect and conserve the ecosystems and biodiversity; (ii) to prevent and reduce the negative impacts on the environment caused by pollution and climate change; (iii) to develop the capacities and anchoring the excellence culture; (iv) to raise public awareness and behaviour change on environmental protection; and (v) to improve partnership with the private sector in priority sectors management. The Ministry has developed a range of programs in order to ensure the achievement of its strategic objectives and to ensure managing the strategic plan and applying it in a proper way. The programs include (i) Natural Resources Management; (ii) Waste and Chemicals Management; (iii) Climate Change; (iv) Ozone Layer Protection; (v) Environmental Regulation of Developmental projects; (vi) Monitoring and protecting environmental components; (vii) Administration and Institutional development; (viii) Legislation, policies and environmental strategies development; (ix) Environmental and educational awareness; and (x) Shifting to Green economy. In order to make agriculture more productive and sustainable, the Strategy proposes (i) a reduction of climate change negative impacts especially on both, the water and agricultural sectors; and (ii) projects for the introduction of irrigation pumps operating by solar energy. To increase the resilience of livelihoods to disasters, main actions are focused on coping with the climate change challenges to combat its impact caused by pollution, deficiency in services such as water and sanitation, particularly under the consequences of the refugee crisis within the region. These actions include (i) monitoring groundwater quality; (ii) improving the quality of life and green infrastructure in Amman to mitigate and adapt to climate change; (iii) development of a National Adaptation Plan Process for climate change; (iv) a climate change technical needs assessment. As for the Governance, the fourth strategic objective summarizes the path that needs to be taken by the institution for strengthening the governmental management system and to improve the level of service and achieving excellence. This can be done by taking into consideration the institutional development of the ministry, improving its services, raising the capacity of workers and optimizing utilization of partnerships, within the full-integrated implementation of the excellence model.
Ministry of Environment Strategic Plan - Vision of 2025 Foreseeing the Future.