The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2020 (NBSAP) is a key planning tool for conservation of Sudan’s biodiversity and for fulfilling the commitments its government towards the international obligations under the Convention of Biological Diversity. It is a multi-sectoral strategy and plan with national coverage developed in 2015. It will be implemented during the 2015-2020 period. The NBSAP takes into consideration the national biodiversity priority needs in terms of conservation, sustainable use off its components and equitable sharing of benefits. The NBSAP will seek to establish awareness campaigns for stakeholders and produce awareness materials on the values of biodiversity and its importance for food security and sustainable development. The NBSAP will seek to launch of awareness campaigns to enlighten the public about importance of biodiversity, biotechnology and bio-safety; integrate bio-safety principles, range and livestock, forests , wildlife biodiversity issues into education programs; develop and adopt of a national policy and strategic action plan for the conservation and sustainable use of agro-biodiversity as part of the national policies and strategies for economic and social development; train civil servants on transforming biodiversity components into items of monetary value; encourage universities to incorporate biodiversity economic accounting in their curricula; encourage the federal as well as the states authorities to reduce or remove incentives and subsidies or impose penalties for activities that are harmful to terrestrial and marine wildlife ,forest resource, and community range biodiversity; develop and operate land use plans and laws governing land tenure and land use; establish regulations that encourage sustainable fishing, avoid over-fishing; introduce ecosystem-based fisheries management to the protected marine parks; develop both social and economic monitoring systems to the nature and distribution of benefit tied to marine resources of protected areas; rehabilitation and establishment of forest plantations in degraded traditional rain-fed areas; reduce to environmentally acceptable levels the adverse impacts of tradition as well as organized gold mining on wildlife and inland waters and marine habitats; and enforce laws for the conservation of biodiversity of the coastal communities around oil-exporting facilities. In addition, the NBSAP will seek to strengthen and capacitate the quarantine services and formulate quarantine laws and other regulations to control import of alien species, pests and diseases; eradicate invasive alien species that are already been found adverse effects on biodiversity of wildlife, marine, coastal and inland water ecosystems; establishment of new protected areas, game reserves and sanctuaries; conduct program for the protection of threatened species; establish a mechanism and regulation for access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization; and establishment of a national funding strategy for agro-biodiversity to which different sources of funding can contribute. The NBSAP highlights the importance of biodiversity as a tool for the alleviation of poverty. It will promote the use of biodiversity resources in a sustainable manner for rural development and as a strategy for poverty alleviation. The NBSAP will strengthen the capacity of the coastal communities to use ecosystem based management for utilization of their resources; adopt of adequate policies to support diversified production systems, including the use of multi-line varieties as an option for improvement of agricultural production while maintaining diversity; identify appropriate farmers’ varieties and landraces for multiplication and or for developing new breeding populations that incorporate specific traits into locally adapted materials; conduct and strengthen research on the problems of shifting cultivation and traditional farming systems; and enhance on-farm conservation of farmers’ varieties through improvement of cultural practices for better yields by traditional varieties. The NBSAP will adopt climate-smart farming systems such as agro forestry and agro-silvo pastoral systems that lead to natural regeneration of native species and rehabilitation of degraded and deforested areas, especially, invulnerable areas. In addition, it will seek the enhancement of awareness programs about the impact of climate change on biodiversity. It will also maximize resilience of ecosystem which has high biodiversity and greatest capacity to buffer climate change impacts. The implementation of the NBSAP is a national state responsibility through the different organizations and institutions at national and sub-national levels. Both government and society will be aware of their responsibilities towards the NBSAP and act effectively to implement it. The NBSAP indicates the different implementing intuitions for the identified actions.
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2020 (NBSAP).