The Ministry of Environment and Forests notifies the area up to five kilometres from the boundary of the protected area of Sultanpur National Park in the State of Haryana as an Eco-sensitive Zone. A Zonal Master Plan for the Eco-sensitive Zone shall be prepared by the State Government and shall provide for restoration of denuded areas, conservation of existing water bodies, management of catchment areas, watershed management, groundwater management, soil and moisture conservation, needs of local community, etc. The Notification imposes restrictions or regulates the following activities: industrial units; construction activities; tree felling; extraction of groundwater; noise pollution; discharge of effluents; disposal of solid wastes; etc. The Notification further provides for the establishment of the Monitoring Committee and contains the map of the Eco-sensitive Zone.
Notification of the Ministry of Environment and Forests declaring the Sultanpur National Park to be an Eco-sensitive Zone.