These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of preventing and controlling pollution of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, canals and other surface water bodies within the territory of the Huaihe River Valley. According to article 3 the aim of the prevention and control of water pollution is: (a) the discharge of pollutants from industrial pollution sources shall meet the discharge standards by 1997, and (b) by 2000 the quality of water in the major part of rivers, lakes or reservoirs shall meet the demands stipulated in the programme for prevention and control of water pollution within the territory of the Huaihe River Valley. The four provinces of Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and Shandong shall be responsible, in their respective regions, for the water environment quality and shall take the appropriate measures to realize their respective aims of prevention and control of water pollution, on the basis of programmes and plans adopted by the competent authorities at the different territorial levels. Further provisions concern the following: (a) control of the total amount of pollutants discharged by enterprises, institutions and individual businesses which are incorporated into plans for controlling the total amount of discharged pollutants; (b) monitoring of the water quality of the provincial boundaries of the four provinces by the Bureau of Protection of Water Resources within the territory of the Huaihe River Valley; (c) prohibition, as of 1 January 1998, of the excess discharge of water pollutants into a water body within the Huaihe River Valley by any industrial enterprise; (d) collection of discharge fees; (e) installation of enlargement of a sewage outfall; (f) prohibition of the establishment of new enterprises engaged in certain activities as per article 22; (g) environmental impact assessment; (h) measures to be taken during the dry season; (i) settlement of disputes; (l) enforcement, offences and penalties.
Interim Regulations concerning the prevention and control of water pollution within the territory of the Huaihe River Valley.