
Law of the People's Republic of China on Agricultural Product Quality Safety.

The purpose of this Law is to guarantee the quality safety of agricultural products, maintain the health of the general public, and promote the development of agriculture and rural economy. The Law consists of 8 Chapters divided into 56 articles.; The State shall establish a system of agricultural product quality safety standards as provided for in Chapter II. The production of agricultural products shall be prohibited in any area where toxic and harmful substances exceed the prescribed standards. It shall also be prohibited to discharge or dump waste water, waste gas, solid wastes or other toxic and harmful substances in any place of origin of agricultural products (Chapter III). The competent authorities shall formulate requirements on production technologies and operational rules which guarantee the agricultural product quality safety. A licence system shall be applied to the pesticides, veterinary drugs, feeds and feed additives, fertilizers, and veterinary devices, which might affect the agricultural product quality safety (Chapter IV). Provisions on packages and marks of agricultural products are given in Chapter V. The remaining Chapters contain provisions on the supervision and inspection of agricultural products, and on legal and administrative proceedings.

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