
Royal Decree No. 253/2016 - Regulatory basis for the granting of subsidies for the creation of supra-autonomous operational groups in relation to the European Association for Innovation in agricultural productivity and sustainability.

The purpose of this Royal Decree is to establish the regulatory bases for the granting of subsidies, under competitive conditions, for the creation of supra-autonomous operational groups of the European Association for Innovation in Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (AEI-agri). The purpose of the aid is to promote the creation of supraautonomic operating groups, which will devise, design and write their corresponding innovative projects that will foreseeably be carried out in the future, which may be the object of another subsidy line within the National Program for Rural Development 2014- 2020; The aid is intended to promote any form of innovation in the fields of agriculture, livestock and forestry, as well as in the processing and marketing of agri-food or forest products, whether in the production of goods and services, in technological processes, in the organization and management, in the market and marketing or in social innovation or other forms of innovation.

Regional Info



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Policy Type: 

R and D




Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
