The purpose of this Law is to establish a general framework that regulates the activity of the agricultural and agri-food sectors in Extremadura, in accordance with the strategic nature of the same for the development of the Autonomous Community, as well as the legal regime of rural infrastructures. Estremadura. The objective scope of application of this Law is the general management of the activities of the agricultural and agri-food sectors in the aspects related to agricultural operations, rural infrastructures, primary agricultural production and the quality of agri-food products. For the purposes of this Law, agriculture, livestock and forestry shall be understood as an agricultural activity or sector; The general purposes of this Law are: a) Strengthen and improve the competitiveness of the agricultural sector; b) Promote a differentiated agricultural and agri-food production; c) The social recognition of agricultural activity and its multifunctional nature, as a producer not only of food, but also of other externalities inherent to it, such as its role of protection and environmental regeneration, of landscape preservation and biodiversity, of balanced management of the territory, of conservation of the rural environment and of the cultural heritage of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura; d) Contribute to the realization of the objectives of the common agricultural policy as established in the original law and derived from the European Union; e) Ensure the continuity of agricultural operations as a basic instrument of economic development in rural areas and as an instrument for the survival of the maximum number of people in family farming; f) To promote the generational change of the agricultural sector through the incorporation of young people, within the framework of the different sectoral measures that develop the agrarian policy of the Community; g) Promote and promote real and effective equality and the participation of women in the agricultural sector, within the framework of the different sectoral measures of the Community's agricultural policy; h) To promote initiatives and entrepreneurship with the liberalization of regulations and requirements in the exercise of agrifood activities; i) Eliminate obstacles, burdens and administrative procedures to simplify the relations of farmers, ranchers and foresters with the Autonomous Administration; j) Contribute to the necessary role of research and new technologies in the Extremadura agri-food sector; k) Guarantee that the agricultural activity in Extremadura will respond to a model of sustainable growth that respects the needs of present generations without compromising the possibilities of those of the future; l) Promote the modernization and improvement of rural infrastructures, as well as their adaptation to the environmental environment of the rural environment in which they are inserted; m) Guarantee the participation of the social and economic agents in the design and application of the agricultural and food policy and strengthen the interlocution and coordination instruments that allow adapting the proposals for action to the needs of the agricultural and food sector; n) Make society aware of the multifunctional role of the agricultural and agri-food sectors in Extremadura through a stable, transparent and as simplified as possible regulation, easily accessible by citizens and economic agents, enabling rapid knowledge and comprehensible of the current regulations that result from application.
Law No. 6/2015 - Agrarian Law of Extremadura.