This Law is composed of an introductory Chapter, and of 5 Chapters divided into 75 articles. The introductory Chapter deals with terms and definitions. Chapter 1 deals with the protection against environmental pollution. Article 1 defines objectives of this Law, which are: (1)protection of the environment by maintaining its quality and natural balance; (2) avoid any damages or immediate or long range negative effects, which result from plans and programs of construction, industrial, agricultural, or economical development, and settlement of environmental awareness; (3) development of the natural resources, and conservation of the biodiversity; (4) protection of the society and public health, and any living creature from all environmental injurious actions; (5) protection of the environment from the harmful impact of activities outside the State. Articles 3-7 provide for tasks and duties of the Public and Private Administrative Bodies involved in the protection of the environment. The Supreme Council for Environment and Natural Reserves shall protect and conserve endangered species as follows: preventing hunting, cutting and uprooting of trees; creating and managing natural reserves; maintaining natural resources; stopping activities which have a negative impact on the environment; imposing any necessary measures or requirements for the protection of the environment, etc. (arts. 8-10). Articles 11-20 deal with Environmental Impact Assessment, and with approvals, control and supervision of all private and public development projects by the Supreme Council for Environment and Natural Reserves. Articles 21-24 deal with the Emergency Plan for Contrasting Environmental Disasters. Articles 24-27 deal with waste disposal and hazardous materials. Chapter 2 deals with the protection of the air against pollution. Chapter 3 provides for water environment protection against pollution. Chapter 4 contains legal and administrative proceedings. Chapter 5 contains offences and penalties.
Environment Protection Law.