
National Environment Policy 2013.

This National Environment Policy proposes a broad range of measures and actions responding to key environmental issues and challenges. The goal of this policy is the better quality of life for present and future generations through sustainable management and use of the environment and natural resources. The objectives are to: (a) provide a framework for an integrated approach to planning and sustainable management of Kenya's environment and natural resources; (b) strenghten the legal and institutional framework for good governance, effective coordination and management of the environment and natural resources; (c) ensure sustainable management of the environment and natural resources, such as unique terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, for national economic growth and improved livelihoods; (d) promote and support research and capacity development as well as use of innovative environmental management tools such as incentives, disincentives, total economic valuation, indicators of sustainable development, Strategic Environmental Assessments, Environmental Impact Assessments, Environmental Audits and Payment for Environmental Services; (e) promote and enhance cooperation, collaboration, synergy, partnerships and participation in the protection, conservation, sustainable management of the environment and natural resources; (f) ensure inclusion of cross-cutting and emerging issues such as poverty reduction, gender, disability, HIV and other diseases in the management of the environment and natural resources; (g) promote domestication, coordination and maximization of benefit from strategic multilateral environmental agreements. The implementation of this Policy will be guided by the following principles: (a) environmental right; (b) right to development; (c) ecosystem approach; (d) total economic value; (e) sustainable resource use; (f) equity; (g) public participation; (h) subsidiarity; (i) precautionary principle; (j) polluter pays principle; (k) international cooperation; (l) good governance; (m) benefit sharing; (n) community empowerment. The document recognizes the importance of biodiversity and fisheries for ensuring food security. It states that biodiversity provides genetic resources for food and agriculture and therefore constitutes the biological basis for food security and support for human livelihoods. Further it states that fisheries plays an important role in ensuring food security. In order to make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable, the document proposes the following interventions: (i) the promotion of sustainable management and utilization of fishery resources; (ii) strengthening the capacity to carry out fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance; (iii) the promotion of sustainable aquaculture development, (iv) strengthening community participation in fisheries resources management, value addition and marketing; (v) protecting fish breeding grounds and implementing closed seasons regulations where necessary; (vi) the promotion of efficient adaptation measures for productive and sustainable resource management in the arid and semi-arid lands; (vii) the development and implementation of an environment-friendly livestock production policy that takes cognizance of livestock mobility and communal management of natural resources; and (viii) the promotion of appropriate forestry-based investment programmes and projects. Regarding the reduction of rural poverty, the Policy plans to ensure that environment is integrated into all government policies in order to facilitate and realize sustainable development at all levels. This would help to promote green economy, enhance social inclusion, improve human welfare and create opportunities for employment and maintenance of a healthy environment. In addition, the Policy plans to develop wildlife resources in order to contribute directly or indirectly to the local and national economy through employment, revenue generation and wealth creation and to provide incentives to attract the under-represented gender and other vulnerable groups into environmental management careers, occupations and programmes and mainstream gender and equity in all sustainable development policies. To enable inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems, the Policy promotes efficient non-motorized, non-polluting and efficient infrastructure for mass transport system, promotes non-polluting modes of transport, as well as community participation in fisheries resources management, value additional and marketing. For increasing the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises, the policy plans the following activities: (i) promote reduction of negative environmental footprints in production and trade practices, (ii) strengthen capacity for national and county level institutions to support national climate resilience, low carbon development through integrating climate change into implementation strategies, (iii) strengthen and enhance early warning and response systems for climate and disaster risk reduction, (iv) establish an institutional, policy and legal framework to effectively manage disaster risk and disasters, (v) ensure strategies for early warning and awareness on disasters are in place, (vi) collaborate with international institutions on emergency and disaster response in controlling, responding and mitigation of emergencies occurring in the country. In the context of governance, the Government will: (i) strengthen the Directorate of Environment in the State Department responsible for environment to support the Cabinet Secretary in his oversight role in environmental policy formulation, coordination of intervention activities and to monitor the implementation in relation to other sectoral policies, (ii) strengthen the capacity of National Environment Management Authority as the designated national institution responsible for the general supervision and coordination in all matters relating to the environment and (iii) streamline and strengthen the capacity of environmental institutions at the national and county levels so as to make them more effective and participatory.

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