
Law on environmental protection and pollution fight, amended by Royal Decree No. 63 of 1985.

Article 1 deals with objectives of this Law which are: environmental protection and pollution fight; protection of natural resources; environmental impact assessment of agricultural, industrial and housing projects; protection of water, air, soil, fish resources, animals and plants. All laws, rules, international and regional agreements regarding environmental protection and pollution fighting are to be considered as supplementary laws. Terms and definitions (art. 4). Owners or persons responsible for projects shall inform by letter the Ministry about any discharge incompatible with this Law and with its implementing regulations within 48 hours (art. 11). Licences will be issued by the Minister as well as applicants shall attach the environmental pollution declaration to applications (art. 13). Owners or persons responsible for working zone projects must present the Environmental Pollution Declaration to the Ministry within 6 months from the date of entry into force of this Law and shall provide the necessary equipment for pollution control (arts. 15 and 16). The Ministry shall keep a Permanent Register for environmental data and information (art. 17). The competence of the Minister is to issue implementing rules and regulations of this Law (art. 18). The Council shall be informed by reports on the following matters: (pollution standards; suitable description for working zones; quantity and quality of protected zones; and ancient and historical zones (art. 19). Modernization, renovation and updating of environmental standards and discharge levels are given in article 21. The Minister defines levies, fees and charges (art. 25). Offences and penalties are contained in article 27.

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