Nitrogen Mitigation. INMS Guidance Document on Measures for Sustainable Nitrogen Management.

TitleNitrogen Mitigation. INMS Guidance Document on Measures for Sustainable Nitrogen Management.
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsBrownlie W.J., Aziz T., Sutton M.A., Shenk A., Winkler M.K.H., Robinson G., Adhya T.K., Amon B., Awan M.I., Bittman S., Bleeker A., Borghardt G., Butterbach-Bahl K., Brandani S., Constantinescu M., Dahl K.R., Dalgaard T., Delon C., Döhler H., Galy-Lacaux C., Garnier J., Groenestein K., Hailemariam M., Hayashi K., Hillier J., Jensen L.S, Kawamoto T., Kozlova N., Lukin S., Lund T., Marques-dos-Santos C., Maqsood M.A., Mathenge C., Medinets S., Minamisawa K., Misselbrook T., Nishina K., Oenema O., Pacheco F., Parajuli D., Rahman M.M., Rees R.M., Sanz-Cobeña A., Shiraz H., Takahashi A., Tanaka H., Uchida Y., Wakeel A., Winiwarter W., Yan X.
Series EditorSutton M.A., Schlegel M., Baron J., Van Grinsven H.J.M.
Date Published09/2024
InstitutionUK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
ISBN Number978-1-906698-90-4
Report NumberINMS Report 2024/01

Nitrogen Mitigation

Integrating measures to improve nitrogen mitigation throughout the nitrogen cycle

At present, guidance and governance on sustainable nitrogen management tend to be fragmented between different forms of nitrogen and different sectors. To fully exploit the synergies that operate through the nitrogen cycle there is a pressing need to develop consolidated guidance on sustainable nitrogen practices. In this INMS guidance document, the principles that underpin integrated sustainable nitrogen management are discussed. An overview of >150 measures to reduce nitrogen losses and improve nitrogen use efficiency throughout the anthropogenic nitrogen cycle are provided. The synergies and trade-offs of applying multiple measures are considered alongside case studies to demonstrate how a 'package of measures' can be selected to achieve integrated nitrogen management for a given system.

This guidance document is intended to be used alongside the INMS Nitrogen Measures Database; an online resource that provides further details on nitrogen measures. Both were developed as part of the International Nitrogen Management System (INMS), which is supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) through UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

Short TitleNitrogen Mitigation